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United School District

United Cyber Academy » Cyber Grades 5-12

Cyber Grades 5-12

United Cyber Academy Program Overview: Grades 5-12
Middle and High School Students have specific learning needs. Our teachers can customize learning to meet your child's interests and needs. As with all of our programs, students can choose to take some cyber courses in place of traditional courses or to take all of their courses online.
Grades 5-6:
These students are able to enroll in four core subject areas. These students will have the ability to take these courses in the midst of their regular day through a hybrid schedule, a mixture of traditional and cyber offerings, or on a full-time schedule either at school or at their home. Students will receive guidance in the program and will be monitored on a weekly, if not daily basis. Students will also have the ability receive both remediation and enrichment through the cyber offerings.
Grades 7-8:
These students have the ability to enroll in courses from the four core areas as well as from the elective areas. Similar to grades 5-6, students at this level will have the ability to take these courses in the midst of their regular day through a hybrid schedule, a mixture of traditional and cyber offerings, or on a full-time schedule either at school of at their home. These students have the ability to recover credits, remediate, or enrich. 
Grades 9-12:
These students may have different reasons to enroll in a cyber course at United School District. They have the ability to enroll in courses from the four core areas as well as from the elective areas. Similar to the grades above, students at this level will have the ability to take these courses in the midst of their regular day through a hybrid schedule, a mixture of traditional and cyber offerings, or on a full-time schedule either at school or at their home. These students have the ability to recover credits, remediate, or enrich. Vocational/technical and alternative education students in grades 9-12 can also take advantage of certain classes through cyber offerings.